The Man Who Made Vermeers: Unvarnishing the Legend of Master Forger Han van Meegeren

I'm hungry for books! So, when I finish one I like, I try to share with you this kind of hunger! So, my frist I share with you, a biography about Han van Meegeren. Try it!

The Man Who Made Vermeers: Unvarnishing the Legend of Master Forger Han van Meegeren by Jonathan Lopez

I very much enjoyed reading this book on Vermeer and Van Meegeren. In the first place I loved the way it is written, the style, which is - I think - in a way typical for American books, that is: very well-written, to the point, and very thoroughly documentated. Secondly I'm impressed by the way the author is confident with Dutch culture, the Dutch cultural climate in the Interbellum and with Dutch publications that, I think, even many Dutch researchers don't know. Furthermore he seems to have an extremely good knowledge of Dutch language.


Anonymous said...

j'aime bien ses peintures.

Aurélie said...

I didn't know him.

Brigga said...

I like this painter!

Kevin Lomax said...

Hollanders zijn ook buitengewoon goede minnaars... ;-)